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The Out Crowd

“This is so realistic in how many media outlets and those in power seem to feel in today's society. The author has created each character with the utmost consideration and the way they interacted with one another was very realistic. I would love to see this novel in a school library, as I feel the subject matter will spark an interesting debate. This book also encourages young people to have their own thoughts and opinions which is essential. The author has clearly done a lot of research into his subject and executed the message perfectly.”
-Reader’s Favorite

“The Out Crowd isn’t a light read about a subject easy to poke fun at. If you’re tired of the fake news circulating in the media, then this will be a refreshing read.”
-Indies Today

“The NYC Big Book Award recognized The Out Crowd by Michael A. Kirby in the category of (Political Satire/Young Adult) as a winner.”
-NYC Big Book Award